First Quarter 2013 A DOG DAY AFTERNOON A fun day for the entire community Far Fetched Tales Dog Training will be there demonstrating Treibball a new herding game for dogs,…
First Quarter 2013 A DOG DAY AFTERNOON A fun day for the entire community Far Fetched Tales Dog Training will be there demonstrating Treibball a new herding game for dogs,…
TREIBBALL SEMINAR APRIL 13TH, FROM 1 PM TO 3 PM Pet Spa 3629 Pacetti RoadSt. Augustine,FL Treibball Beyond The Sport with Christine ScottGreat Scott Dog Training "LEAD BY EXAMPLE" Far…
Feed the new pet in a separate location. Use separate food and water bowls for the first few days. Feeding to close to another dog will create ill will between…
Remember that CGC grads will now have the choice to get the 1) CGC certificate only or 2) CGC as an official title (which also includes a certificate). Link to…
Bathing During the Winter Months Tips Here are some tips to help you bathe your dog indoors during cold winter months. 1. Never wash your dog outside if the weather…
New Puppy Classes starting Saturday, Jan 6th, 9 am at Dog Town USA and Wednesday, Jan 9th at 5:30 pm at Pet World, register on line via the calendar!
Before taking the Canine Good Citizen test, owners will sign the Responsible Dog Owners Pledge. We believe that responsible dog ownership is a key part of the CGC concept and by…